Love Guardians (Ryo Takagi)
Megumi & Tsugumi – Alphatier vs. Hitzkopf (Mitsuru Si)
Midnight Delivery Sex (Neneko Narazaki)
Midnight Jealousy Sex (Neneko Narazaki)
Midnight Secret Sex (Neneko Narazaki)
Pheromoholic - Band 2 (Wataru Nagi)
Pheromoholic (Wataru Nagi)
Renaissance (Mitsuaki Asaou)
Santa Maria Heartland (Rise Torio)
Scharlachrotes Schicksal (Tomo Serizawa)
Shut up and sleep whit me (Makoto Tateno)
Ten Count (Rihito Takarai)
The Beast must Die – Sweet Bitter (Hyeon-Sook Lee)
The Male Bride (Tamekou)
The Pawn’s Revenge (Evy)
Twilight Outfocus (Jyanome)
Twilight Outfocus, Band 2 (Jyanome)
Twittering Birds Never Fly (Kou Yoneda)
Two sides of the same coin - Band 2 (Rou Nishimoto)
Two sides of the same coin (Rou Nishimoto)